Thursday, December 10, 2015

Theory Thursdays

           As I mentioned earlier in this blog, Americans don’t want to be told to do something. They want to be told why to do something. By doing this, it gives someone a greater general understanding of the principles behind the practice. This helps you digest the theories and then adhere to them later down the road. So I felt that on Thursdays, I would spend time talking about why we do things.
           I know it is easy to confuse this with Technical Tuesdays and even as I write this I am aware that the two entries may end up blending together. But think of Tuesdays as articles like “How to Bench Press” where Thursday articles will be more along the lines of “Why to Bench Press.”
           I think that by explaining my theories of why I do what I do, it will help inspire you to tweak your own program and make it your own. So on Thursdays prepare for more of intellectual approach to these articles, ways to generally improve, and maybe more than a few anecdotes that will hopefully be informative but also entertaining.  
           This is what Thursdays are going to be about. And while that leaves today’s article a little shallow, here is some inspiration for you. I truly wish more women would take up this attitude. We need to quit celebrating Do-Nothing Bitches and take pride in those that are truly talented and making their own way in the world.
           I want to infuse my daughter with this kind of confidence.

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