Tuesday, December 8, 2015

Technical Tuesdays

           Like so many projects out there, Furyan Strength was not just cobbled together overnight. I didn’t just scream my ideas into a tape recorder over a weekend and have a secretary transcribe what I was shouting. I shared this program with several of my IRL friends before putting this out there on the web and most were amazed at the complexity of everything and how much there was to it.
           If you ask the average man on the street what bodybuilding is most are going to tell you it is just picking up heavy weights and setting them back down. If you have looked through any of my program, I think that it is safe to say that is the furthest from the truth. There is real science to this.
           But for someone out there, today is there first day in the gym. They need that guidance. They need to be told why to use a weight belt and why not to round their back when performing squats. Don’t get me wrong. I know my commentary is downright hysterical and should be performed as a one man show on Broadway. But I am willing to bet that if you are here, you are looking for advice on how to improve. And that is what this blog is all about.
           Knowing what I know now, there are times where I keep asking myself, “Do I really need to point this out?” There are many times where I do have to remind myself that someone is starting at Square 1. To me, a concept like Antagonistic Sets and performing circuits is fundamental. It just seems blatantly obvious.
           I think you have something special to communicate if after you tell someone something their comment is “I cannot believe I didn’t know that but, now that I do, it totally makes sense.” I am sure someone in England way back when went to the government officials and said, “Hey, maybe we shouldn’t keep corpses in our drinking water.” Lo and behold, after the fact, that nasty bout of cholera almost seemed to fix itself! It is right up there with not jamming forks in electrical sockets and how doing it underwater means she cannot get pregnant.*
           But there are times where you need someone to come along and tell you that performing a pronated arm curl works the muscles from your thumb to your elbow. So, there are going to be times where I am going to be pointing out things that to me are blatantly obvious. To an experienced lifter, they may read these articles and say, “Duh, everyone knows that doing it underwater means she cannot get pregnant.” But there are novices out there who need that advice. And that is the reason why this blog exists in the first place.
           No one instantly sits down and knows how to bench press. Even if you mentally understand the concept, you still have to train your muscles to make them do what you want. My hope is that you have discovered this blog and you can put my theories into practice. If you are doing that, congratulations because you have made it farther than those people that just talk about getting in shape. 
           So, on Tuesdays, I want to focus more on along the lines of why we do certain things and technical aspects of certain exercises. My hope is that the Tuesday articles will help you gain a better understanding of why we do what we do. The more you understand that, the more you can begin to customize your routine to best suit your needs.     
           *Umm, yeah. Full disclaimer. She can get pregnant underwater. Don’t be silly. Wrap your willy.

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