Wednesday, December 23, 2015

The Gear You Need: Superhero Clothing

           Not to sound too hipster but I was into comic books and superheroes before it was cool. Thanks to all the Marvel movies and such, we live in a glorious time where “geek chic” is now cool. Or maybe ironic, I am not certain which. (God, I hope it is not ironically cool.) But now, you can walk into Walmart and see superhero t-shirts lining the racks. My favorite shirts to workout in are these athletic shirts made of polyester with prints of the various superhero symbols on them. In fact, I posted a progression pic series and a friend asked me, “Do you work out in anything but comic book shirts?” And my response was simply, “I don’t understand the question.” Because why would anyone workout in anything BUT superhero shirts?
           I think it is a common mistake to just throw on old, raggedy clothes because you are going to get sweaty and stinky. I find it is the opposite. I am not saying to work out in a tuxedo but when you wear clothes that make you feel good, you just flat out perform better.
           Here is my theory. Remember when we were in elementary and you had that week where everyone had to take the test with the No. 2 pencils and you had to fill in the circles completely? One of my elementary teachers told us as a class on these days to eat a good breakfast and to wear your favorite shirt. Everyone has those favorite clothes that we love. Maybe you have a positive association with it. It could be for any reason.
           For me, it is my Greendale Community College sweatshirt, my Keep Calm & Chive On shirt, and my retro Rat Pack bowling shirt. There is just something magical about wearing clothes that you love. And if you are going to be clanging and banging, you want to feel good.
           Like Steve Martin taught us in MY BLUE HEAVEN, sometimes to change, you have to change on the outside in order to change on the inside. The clothes make the man after all. So five days a week, I don my superhero shirts and go in to lift weights. They make me feel good. I love the material because polyester doesn’t absorb sweat and get weighty like cotton does. And when you are wearing a Superman shirt and a track from MAN OF STEEL comes on your MP3 player, you get another set. In fact, you are legally required to. If you don’t get another set, the Man Union tracks you down, strips you of your shirt, and you have to work out in Strawberry Shortcake gear for three weeks. No one wants that.
           Now, maybe superheroes are not your thing. Maybe you have a favorite sports team (pro or college) or a favorite professional wrestler. Regardless, I highly recommend a shirt that you like and something that makes you happy to workout in. It is a small thing to do but the difference between ordinary and extraordinary is that little bit extra.
           So get shopping.  

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