Thursday, February 18, 2016

Posture & Power

           There is a belief that the body follows the mind. George Patton has a quote where he talks about the body is always tired but if the mind is not tired the body will not be. Strangely enough, scientists have discovered that it works the other way too.
           Remember when you had to take standardized tests as a kid? One of my teachers encouraged us to wear our favorite shirt on that day. Because when you wear your favorite shirt, you get happy. Happy performs better. Think about going out on a date. Are you going to wear that pair of jeans that makes your butt look good or are you going to wear sweatpants? Happiness breeds confidence and confidence breed success.
           A friend once asked if I only workout in super hero shirts. I honestly didn’t understand the question. Why would you work out in anything but super hero shirts? For me, comic book characters are our modern mythology. The Flash is our version of Hermes. Wolverine is our Achilles. And Superman is likened to Apollo. How many of us as kids tied a towel around our necks and struck the “Superman pose”? Why do we do that? Because kids already inherently know the power of that stance.
           Think about your posture. When you sit, do you sit small? Do you try to occupy as little space as possible? Do you place your hand on your neck? These are all defensive and submissive positions. Now, look at the animal kingdom, species seeking dominance strike big poses. Silverback gorillas, cobras, blowfish, raptor birds, they all strike big poses.
           Athletes across all cultures instinctively raise their hands and spread their arms in moments of victory. And yes, I do this in the gym before preparing for big lifts. I do this to psyche myself up and I look at myself in the mirror wearing Superman’s emblem on my chest. I am representing Big Blue when I wear that shirt. Combine that with music from MAN OF STEEL by Hans Zimmer and I am unstoppable. This is why you won’t see me working out wearing Strawberry Shortcake clothes. (If super heroes aren’t your thing it might be your favorite sports team – college or pro – or maybe your favorite professional wrestler.)
           So what if I told you scientists discovered that the mind can follow the body? Striking those power poses (be it Superman’s posture, the Wonder Woman stance, or any victory pose) triggers testosterone in your system. They had test subjects spit in a vial, had them assume power poses for two minutes, and spit in a second vial. After two minutes of power posing, the testosterone levels in their saliva spiked.
           When your power is up, your confidence is up. Confidence gets you hired. Confidence gets you that date with the pretty girl. Confidence gets you elected. Confidence allows you to achieve your goals. So today, if you have something important to do, take two minutes before and strike your power pose. Take two minutes to flood your body and prepare you for the fight ahead.
           Now, you might be thinking (as you stand there with clenched fists on your hips), I am an imposter. I am fraud. Some would argue, “Fake it until you make it.” No, fake it until you become it. Because as you put in the work, confidence will breed success. Think I am crazy? Ignore all this and go about your day. But give me two minutes and this just might change your life.
           Fortune favors the bold. And he who dares wins. Now, go forth and do likewise. And the next time you need some inspiration, ask yourself, "What are you going to do when you are not saving the world?"

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