Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Furyan Reviews: Six Star Casein Protein

           Today, I am reviewing Six Star Pro Nutrition’s Elite Series Casein Protein Triple Chocolate Dietary Supplement. The stats on the product come from purchasing it at Walmart.
           What Is It & Why Do I Need It? In the nutrition section at Walmart there is Whey Protein, Whey Isolate, and Casein Protein. It is easy to wonder what exactly does what.
           Whey protein is a supplement taken 30 minutes after your workout in order to help you build muscle. It is specifically designed to be absorbed and digested very quickly. If whey protein is the vitamin C that you put under your tongue to be absorbed into your body rapidly, casein protein is a slow release capsule that gives you medicine over hours.
           Casein protein is absorbed and processed very slowly into your system. The purpose of casein is to give you a slow release of protein over the course of eight hours, so you take it just before you go to bed. Your body absorbs the protein as you sleep, so you are building muscle and you also wake up feeling less famished because you have been slowly “eating” over eight hours.
           Benefits and Cost Analysis: Walmart’s standard price is $19.97 or 62.4 cents per ounce. According to the labels, there are approximately 26 scoops per package, so using this five days a week while training is going to get you a month’s worth of product.
           Each scoop offers 20 grams of protein and if you take it with 1 cup of milk (they suggest 10 oz. per scoop), that is 8 more grams of protein for a total of… carry the one… denominator… 28 grams! 28 grams is pretty much a whole other meal, so if you are looking to bump your protein numbers up, this is a pretty solid way to do it. Now, of course the packaging suggests that you take two scoops for optimal results but I sometimes think that they list that just so you are using twice as much product and Six Star can make more money.
           Just the casein protein is 120 calories (with only 1 gram of fat), so this is a pretty clean way to stack protein into your diet, especially if you use skim or 1% milk.
           Ryan’s Review: Compared to Body Fortress’ Whey Powder, Six Star’s blend is very billowy and light. It smells nice when you open the container and, once blended, it actually has a very nice taste to it. I expected it to be rather “mediciny” for a reason I cannot explain. It is a chocolate lover’s dream. There is probably a reason why it is only sold in chocolate. Who is choosing vanilla or strawberry over chocolate? Taliban members, that’s who. 
           I have not had the nerve to try to hand stir this stuff because the last time I tried that with whey powder, the results were not pleasant. The looseness of the powder does make it someone difficult to blend. I often see clumps of unmixed product on the sides of the blender. So put your milk in first, then the powder. I am not certain if the results are psychosomatic or if they are genuine. I can tell you that when I wake up in the morning, I do not feel as hungry.
           Plus, you can almost fake yourself out into believing that this is a very thin milkshake. It is chocolaty (which I love) and knowing that I am going to have that “treat” at 10 p.m. often keeps me from indulging in something sweet after dinner.
           The only real drawback to adding in this supplement is that I am hand washing my blender twice a night now (once for my whey protein after my workout and then once at 10 o’clock at night).
           I want it clear though. This is not a meal supplement. You don’t take this instead of having dinner. You have this in addition to your dinner. I am very pleased with the results so far and while this is one more thing I have to buy every month, I feel it is a solid addition to my nutrition plan and I am going to stick with it.

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