Friday, September 9, 2016

The Legend of Qui-Gon Jinn

Qui-Gon Jinn vs. Darth Maul
           In the era before the Empire, there was a noble Jedi named Qui-Gon Jinn. He was a Jedi Master who was an ambassador of peace and a trainer of many young padawans. In the famed Theed Palace, Qui-Gon and his apprentice Obi-Wan fought an astonishing lightsaber battle with a vicious Sith Lord named Darth Maul. During the fight, Obi-Wan was separated from the two and Qui-Gon engaged the Sith Lord alone. When the two foes were separated by an energy barrier, Qui-Gon knelt and meditated to restore his essence while Maul paced back and forth like a caged animal. When the energy barrier dropped, the two battled once more and, unfortunately, Maul was the superior combatant.
           Shortly thereafter, Obi-Wan returned to the fray and was almost bested by Maul as well. However, overconfidence and arrogance proved to be the dark lord’s undoing. Maul is slain, tumbles into the abyss, and Obi-Wan races to his fallen master. Even in death, Qui-Gon’s final words are for Obi-Wan to train young Anakin Skywalker as Qui-Gon believes he is the chosen one who will bring balance to the Force. Qui-Gon is correct. Anakin is the chosen one but it takes a full generation for the wise Jedi to be proven correct.
           Now, you may be reading this going, “Ryan, how does this have anything to do with weight lifting?” Like always, stick with me. I am building to something here.
Qui-Gon in meditation
           Qui-Gon Jinn was an ambassador, an emissary, a negotiator, a mentor, a teacher, and a combatant only when all other avenues were exhausted. Darth Maul was trained for one purpose: to kill Jedi. On that fateful day, Qui-Gon was bested by a superior combatant. There is absolutely no shame in that. The guy was just better. But even in his death, Qui-Gon was selfless and thinking of others.
           Maul meets his end because is silently gloating and lording over Obi-Wan Kenobi, just waiting for the next kill. He is overconfident and he dies because of his arrogance. We see Qui-Gon laid to rest in the funeral pyre but there is no funeral for Maul. He is not mourned.
           I think it is only natural as training progresses that you are going to start looking around the gym. There is always going to be someone out there that is bigger, stronger, faster, more defined, and has less body fat than you. There is always going to be someone better. You may look at pictures of people posting selfies on Instagram or see these fitness models and become discouraged because you are comparing yourself to them. And yet, you don’t know the filters applied, if the pics were professionally taken, Photoshopped, or what went down before that pic was taken. Remember, it is a highlight reel.   
           This is why I have often said that you don’t want to just be known as a bodybuilder. It is great to have a muscular physique (that goes for men and women) but it is better to know the science of how it was achieved. It is better to put in the work day in and day out so you can appreciate every block of stone laid to build your pyramid. What did you have to study and learn to achieve this look? Are you just a body? Have you counterbalanced this by studying philosophy, theology, or a few self-help books? Have you cultivated an artistic side? Admired art? Spent time with friends? Enjoyed life?
           This is where you have to ask yourself: What are you training for?
           If you are like me and the answer is “To be a better me,” that involves not just lifting weights but studying nutrition and finding ways to improve. Do you want to be a Sith Lord that just exterminates Jedi? That seems like an empty and hollow existence and – news flash – there is always going to be someone better than you.
           Or do you want to be the Jedi that is helpful and selfless and in tune with the universe? That person is confident in who he (or she) is and is happy with the levels of improvement that they are creating in all aspects of their lives. Now, go forth and do likewise. Enjoy your Friday.

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